Keeping In Touch

We decided to start a blog to help update our family and friends of our whereabouts, thoughts, feelings, and life adventures. Hopefully this will be a great tool for us to keep in touch with all out there who care about us. Not to say that those who don't care about us shouldn't read our blog for valuable insight and some occasional laughs, but that the intended purpose of the blog will be for keeping in contact. And so, here it goes...


Somewhere- out there...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Thought I would throw out a quick new update- We are headed to the capital this weekend for our H1N1 shot...should be a good time. We will be playing broom ball against the embassy staff on Saturday- they will be demolished. I watched the beginning of Avatar this morning with my director-good way to start the work week. I took a bath yesterday and did 75 push-ups today. It is still cold. We have exactly 103 days until we take a vacation to America, but who's counting... and we have been in Mongolia for exactly 7 months. Stephanie steals the covers on the bed during the night- and I am pretty sure I have a mild case of frostbite on my back...Tonight I will try using a sleeping bag- see how that works out. Now I should go to bed- I already brushed, so all I have to do is collapse into the beautiful abyss. But, before I go, I wanted to leave you with this...A picture of dinner:)


  1. lol... i'm a cover stealer too so i'm sure mike can sympathize... but not with the frostbite part. the weather sounds awful! try to stay warm!

  2. Of all the comments I've heard about Avatar these past weeks, you are the first person I've heard say they watched the "beginning" of Avatar. I'm guessing you didn't get to contribute to the 1.3 billion it grossed.
