Keeping In Touch

We decided to start a blog to help update our family and friends of our whereabouts, thoughts, feelings, and life adventures. Hopefully this will be a great tool for us to keep in touch with all out there who care about us. Not to say that those who don't care about us shouldn't read our blog for valuable insight and some occasional laughs, but that the intended purpose of the blog will be for keeping in contact. And so, here it goes...


Somewhere- out there...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ryan's First Post

Sunday evening- it's cold. Really not sure what to write about in the first blog...Today I saw three cows sharing a garbage pile, they were chowing down like it was their last meal- and who knows, it could have been. That reminds me, we bought some horse meat today and are thinking about making some steaks tomorrow. I started Mongolian Language Classes last week and will now be going every Monday and Wednesday for an hour- should be a good time. Learned how to Belly Dance last night- I repeat, I learned how to Belly Dance last's certainly an ab workout, and I discovered all the ways I can't move my hips... Tomorrow, back to work after a three day weekend. I love three day weekends but they never seem long enough. That seems sufficient for my first blog, ok done.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I laughed out loud when I saw the cow garbage picture! So, excited you guys are blogging.

    After hearing about the belly dancing I'm wondering if you can post video? Then again, maybe I don't want to see that.
    - mark
